sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Weird Dreams #1

I had another weird dream. 
I lived a whole life in my dream. 

It started with my birth, then I saw my "dream-mother" living me on a doorstep at an orphanage. Then I saw myself growing up there, and when I was 6, I guess, a young couple came to adopt me. I lived with them for 4 years, then they had their own baby and dumped me back at the orphanage saying I was a horrible burden. The funny part was that they never mistreated me, so I was really shocked when they gave me back. 
I stayed at the orphanage and I met this old guy who worked there and he was always in company of a baby. The guy (who looked like  Jim Carter) explained me that the baby was really 50 years old, but he suffered from a rare disorder so he looked like an actual baby (and kinda cute). We became friends, and I went to see him (Jim) every friday at the church where he sang (he had this deep and powerful voice). 
After that the dream changed and I saw myself at school when I was 14 years old give it or take. There I met this cute girl (my real girlfriend) and we started dating. 
It seemed like I was bullied because I was from an orphanage, but once the principal stopped several attempts and put in place some nasty parents, the bullying stopped. The principal was my real grandma. 
So the relationship went fine, and my life at the orphanage wasn't so bad. 

The dream then jumped to when I was 17 years old. I was at the church with my girlfriend and the principal because Jim was singing that night. We had a daughter with my girlfriend, not a birth daughter, the kid was from the orphanage too. 

I went up to the stage to introduce Jim, but when he came up he looked at me funny, coughed and fell to the floor. Everyone screamed and tried  to help, and we called an ambulance and the baby came and he was so sad. 
When the ambulance came I went with him, and my daughter came also because she was worried for him and me. I kissed my girlfriend and climbed on.  

The trip to the hospital was weird. We were in a rural area and the guy from the ambulance didn't know how to get out, we almost fell from the road a few times. He later saw a bus, so he followed it and we reached the city part. 
We were driving on a street that looked exactly like my grandma's street in my hometown. Suddenly a dog showed up in the street, it was a dachshund, my old dachshund to be precise. He saw the ambulance  and started to run toward us, the driver honked but the dog didn't stop, so the driver slammed on the brakes.
The ambulance brake and skidded forward. The driver died instantly crushed by the seat of the paramedic, the paramedic broke his neck by hitting the roof of the vehicle. And I, that had no seat belt, died after breaking my neck too. The only one alive was my daughter, thanks to her seatbelt she only had a few scratches. 

Suddenly I was looking at my dead body from outside of the ambulance, only my daughter could see me and she was so scared. I told her that everything will be alright and that soon help would come, she cried some more and asked if I was dead,I told her I was, and suddenly I thought about my girlfriend and how sad she will be, and I hoped she would be ok, and I was so sad, so I tried to touch her and she smiled between tears. 

After the help came, I saw my girlfriend's car and she cried in anguish when she saw my body being taken out of the ambulance. And she hugged our daughter and they both cried.  I then saw the dog, and he looked at me with so much contempt. 

I then started to fade, and I woke up. 

I can erase the image of my dead body in that ambulance, it was so weird. 

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