sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012 0 comentarios

Weird Dreams #1

I had another weird dream. 
I lived a whole life in my dream. 

It started with my birth, then I saw my "dream-mother" living me on a doorstep at an orphanage. Then I saw myself growing up there, and when I was 6, I guess, a young couple came to adopt me. I lived with them for 4 years, then they had their own baby and dumped me back at the orphanage saying I was a horrible burden. The funny part was that they never mistreated me, so I was really shocked when they gave me back. 
I stayed at the orphanage and I met this old guy who worked there and he was always in company of a baby. The guy (who looked like  Jim Carter) explained me that the baby was really 50 years old, but he suffered from a rare disorder so he looked like an actual baby (and kinda cute). We became friends, and I went to see him (Jim) every friday at the church where he sang (he had this deep and powerful voice). 
After that the dream changed and I saw myself at school when I was 14 years old give it or take. There I met this cute girl (my real girlfriend) and we started dating. 
It seemed like I was bullied because I was from an orphanage, but once the principal stopped several attempts and put in place some nasty parents, the bullying stopped. The principal was my real grandma. 
So the relationship went fine, and my life at the orphanage wasn't so bad. 

The dream then jumped to when I was 17 years old. I was at the church with my girlfriend and the principal because Jim was singing that night. We had a daughter with my girlfriend, not a birth daughter, the kid was from the orphanage too. 

I went up to the stage to introduce Jim, but when he came up he looked at me funny, coughed and fell to the floor. Everyone screamed and tried  to help, and we called an ambulance and the baby came and he was so sad. 
When the ambulance came I went with him, and my daughter came also because she was worried for him and me. I kissed my girlfriend and climbed on.  

The trip to the hospital was weird. We were in a rural area and the guy from the ambulance didn't know how to get out, we almost fell from the road a few times. He later saw a bus, so he followed it and we reached the city part. 
We were driving on a street that looked exactly like my grandma's street in my hometown. Suddenly a dog showed up in the street, it was a dachshund, my old dachshund to be precise. He saw the ambulance  and started to run toward us, the driver honked but the dog didn't stop, so the driver slammed on the brakes.
The ambulance brake and skidded forward. The driver died instantly crushed by the seat of the paramedic, the paramedic broke his neck by hitting the roof of the vehicle. And I, that had no seat belt, died after breaking my neck too. The only one alive was my daughter, thanks to her seatbelt she only had a few scratches. 

Suddenly I was looking at my dead body from outside of the ambulance, only my daughter could see me and she was so scared. I told her that everything will be alright and that soon help would come, she cried some more and asked if I was dead,I told her I was, and suddenly I thought about my girlfriend and how sad she will be, and I hoped she would be ok, and I was so sad, so I tried to touch her and she smiled between tears. 

After the help came, I saw my girlfriend's car and she cried in anguish when she saw my body being taken out of the ambulance. And she hugged our daughter and they both cried.  I then saw the dog, and he looked at me with so much contempt. 

I then started to fade, and I woke up. 

I can erase the image of my dead body in that ambulance, it was so weird. 

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012 0 comentarios

Writer Who

I'm a writer (osom).
I'm the 4th Writer.
My most notable item is a Hogwarts tshirt.
My companion is Melisa Sofía Fischer (you're the last person I texted on Whatsapp)
My catchphrase is: quidditch!
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Old King Clancy

Ted: Well after he proposed a vocational paradigm shift, I made an impromptu presentation using a four pronged approached that really brought him to his knees
Barney: Hit him with a chair?
Ted: Yep
“How I met your mother”, Season 4 Episode 18 “Old King Clancy”
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Esta parte siempre me hizo emocionar, a lo largo de mi infancia me sentí así muchas veces.
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Potter and Fanfiction

Pstibbons es una de mis autoras de fanfiction favoritas. En su perfil se dedica a dar su opinión sobre los personajes de Harry Potter (es una gran defensora de Hermione Granger), y su opinión de Harry siempre me pareció excelente.

"Harry is a confused, uncurious, and emotionally crippled child with fast reflexes and a lot of luck. He thinks the world revolves around him. He has been carefully groomed by Dumbledore to believe that the rules don’t apply to him. He shows few signs of Slytherin cunning or ambition. He is reckless and needs a lot more life lessons to realize the need for planning. He is held back by his friendship with MoRon. He is very much Dumbledore’s man - in the sense of being an obedient and well moulded chess piece. He has the potential for growing into a mature character, but not much of this is realized during the time period covered by canon."
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First entry on one of my old diaries.

So, I feel fine, I feel full. 
My head is full of ideas, 
and my hand cannot wait to write them down. 
I feel complete. My head is a brainstorming, 
my heart is the same but wiser. 
I can smell the paper sheets, and the ink. 
I can hear the scratching of my pen. 
I can see my hand already dreading the over-use.
But its ok, because in the end, its going to be awesome. 
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Perks of being a Wallflower

Estoy esperando esta película con muchas ganas. El libro es excelente, lo leí hace varios años y ahora volví a releerlo (varias veces ya). Lo adoro, es absolutamente excelente y Charlie es...tan yo que me asusta.
martes, 9 de octubre de 2012 0 comentarios


Esto era un proyecto que empezamos con un amigo. Nuestra idea era crear una novela de Ciencia Ficción. Por ahora esta sin terminar (lo creamos en el verano del 2004-2005), pero quien dice, quizás algún día lo terminemos. 

Proyecto Midori
Parte 1
“La clonación humana”

El Proyecto Midori en un principio se limitó solo a la investigación de nuevas formas de recombinación genética en animales, pero luego de la presentación de un de un proyecto de ley que permitiría en un principio la clonación de seres humanos con habilidades especiales solo para usos relativos a la medicina, (posibles mecanismos de regeneración rápida de tejidos o la implementación de nuevas formas de defensa inmunológica humana etc.) se logro al fin convencer a los miembros del consejo mancomunado terrestre, de la inocuidad de trasladar el proyecto a la raza humana.

La nueva ley implementada permitió a un grupo de selectos expertos en los distintos campos de la genética y la química molecular, los doctores Hamerdin, Oxus, Fortini, y Palace, trabajar en condiciones de aislamiento total en la colonia planetaria xi-0845. Obviamente la ley de clonación permitida fue solo una pantalla para lograr la ambición máxima del grupo de especialistas quienes infringiendo toda barrera legal y ética, desarrollaron una nueva raza de hombres y mujeres, combinando ADN humano sintético y ADN de animales con resultados increíbles.

Aunque en un principio se crearon grandes aberraciones, su máximo logro fue la creación de los primeros humanos con habilidades telepáticas y telekineticas a partir de la creación de una molécula sintética de ADN humano superior a cualquier cadena antes generada. Mas tarde se demostró que esta nueva cadena genética era más estable a la hora de combinaciones con ADN animal. Se selecciono entonces a la doctora Palace para que a partir del ADN de animales selectos (osos, lobos, panteras, águilas Y tiburones) recombinase la nueva cadena genética humana en híbridos, intentando obtener a partir de las nuevas propiedades del genotipo humano, hombres con habilidades psionicas y un desarrollo de sentidos comunes a los animales seleccionados, tales como un desarrollado sentido del olfato, vista, oído, un instinto de supervivencia mayor a cualquiera y una fuerza y rapidez increíbles.

En ese aspecto el proyecto fue todo un éxito, luego de 26 años de trabajo e investigación se obtuvieron aproximadamente unos 200 individuos con habilidades psíquicas y físicas superiores a las de cualquier humano. Pero la misteriosa muerte del Dr. Oxus y una carta que el mismo hombre había enviado a su íntimo amigo en el consejo mancomunado el Concejal Rimmo, terminaron por delatar los experimentos clandestinos realizados en la colonia xi-0845 y se declaro el cierre total del proyecto y exterminación total de los ejemplares de prueba creados en el laboratorio.
Ante esta reacción del consejo, los especialistas organizaron una revuelta y, utilizando a sus creaciones como armas para eliminar a los grupos de ataque que allí se dirigían para cerrar definitivamente al proyecto, huyeron con los híbridos que sobrevivieron hacia donde no se los pudiese ubicar. Llegaron así a la colonia abandonada xd-6589 rebautizada luego como Midori en honor al proyecto que les había dado vida a los que luego serian sus habitantes. Nadie en la tierra supo de su paradero hasta dos siglos mas tarde...
lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012 1 comentarios


We first met when we were 15 years old. We were like shadows in the schoolyard. Both of us alone.
The kids were playing. The not so kids were playing too, and we were just there.
Ajj, I'm so tired of this emo crap.
To be honest, she wasn't alone, she had some friends, but the day we've met she was alone.
Me, well yeah, I didn't have friends. I am a freak, and freaks don't deserve friends, or at least that was what my male progenitor used to tell me.

But enough of this. I should introduce myself. My name is Jansen, and I'm a telepath.
Funny huh? Well much to my own displeasure it's true.
If you were standing in front of me I could read your thoughts.
I come from a long family of telepaths and empaths. Warriors, kings, rulers...all of them used to travel unthinkable distances to get advice or to hire someone from my family.
But now, in this times where facebook and twitter practically rule our lives along with the rest of the technology, nobody wants to even think about us.
In a certain way I'm glad, because if my ability was wide known I would probably end up in a secret laboratory with people poking at my brain.
Yeah..better to be anonymous.
domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012 0 comentarios

Siempre pasa y es una mierda

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Cuando te haces una cuenta en Habbo, el programa te lleva a una pantalla en la que tenes que diseñar tu personaje. Siempre arrancas con un random character dado por ellos….este fue el que me toco….quiero destacar el buen gusto de los creativos de Habbo (bazzinga).
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I so want these...

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Rock, Paper, Scissors....

I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there’s no fucking way Paper can beat Rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? Why the hell cant paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can’t paper do this to people? Why aren’t sheets of college-ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I’ll tell you why, because paper can’t beat anybody, a rock would tear that paper up in 2 seconds. When I play rock/ paper/ scissors I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say “oh shit , I’m sorry, I thought paper would protect you, asshole.